This 4hr course pertains to NFPA 472 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials. This four-hour course provides the student with a basic understanding of the current technology of air monitoring equipment and Liquid detection equipment. At the conclusion of this course, the student will be familiar with current gas detection technology theory, liquid corrosive risks and flammable liquid risks. Students will have the opportunity to practice skills discussed during class at the end of the course with the equipment provided by LETS.
Class Objectives:
Module 1 – Instrument overview
Module 2 – Review of basic chemical principles
Module 3 – Oxygen sensor technology
Module 4 – Combustible gas sensors
Module 5 – Electrochemical sensors
Module 6 – Corrosive risks and classifier strips
Module 7 – Practical Skills
What Class Equipment is provided:
Air Monitoring x 6 (MSA Altairs)
Air Monitoring sampling props
PH Paper Classifier strips, PH paper
Liquid materials for PH skills