This course pertains to NFPA 472 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials and 1006 Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications
This four hour course provides the student with a basic understanding of the current technology of air monitoring equipment. At the conclusion of this course, the student will be familiar with current gas detection technology theory and have a basic knowledge of the practical application of gas detection technology. Students will have the opportunity to practice skills discussed during class at the end of the course with the equipment provided by LETS.
Module 1 – Instrument overview
Module 2 – Review of basic chemical principles
Module 3 – Oxygen sensor technology
Module 4 – Combustible gas sensors
Module 5 – Electrochemical sensors
Module 6 – Photo ionization detector
Module 7 – Practical Skills
Classes may have a maximum of 30 students. Class contacts and locations for the courses will be determined by LETS.
All instructor fees
4 Gas Meters for practical skills
Certification of completion
Classroom props, visual aids , videos and handouts
Air Monitoring for Fire Department Operations meet or exceed all relevant standards with resumes available on request and are provided by with LETS.