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This course pertains to NFPA 1001 Standard on Fire Fighter Professional Qualification. 

Vehicle fires/accidents result in one of the most frequent responses by fire departments in Missouri. While firefighters may have a general understanding of the basic response to extinguish a fire in a burning vehicle, the same does not hold true with features in some of today’s high tech automobiles. The proper angle of approach, components used in safety devices, to the materials used to build the vehicles are constantly changing and becoming even more dangerous to unaware responders.




  • The student shall identify and describe three categories of vehicle fire

  • The student shall identify and describe four major dangers to firefighters of vehicle fires

  • The student shall identify and define the elements of a vehicle fire suppression strategy

  • The student shall identify and explain the considerations for each element of vehicle fire suppression strategies

  • The student shall explain appropriate strategies and describe tactics for each of the three categories of vehicle fires


Classes may have a maximum of 30. Class contacts and locations for the courses will be

determined by LETS with priority given to rural departments.


Vehicle firefighting course instructors meet or exceed all relevant standards with resumes

available on request.



 All instructor fees


 Use of a vehicle firefighting simulator


 Consumables for vehicle simulator


 Certificates of completion of the course


 Mileage for equipment and instructors


 Classroom props and videos


 Handout materials


 Visual aids


 Support personnel, instructors and simulation equipment provided by, Local Emergency

 Training Specialists (LETS)


Pumper, training grounds and classroom to be provided by hosting department.

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